

从水泡到脚后跟疼痛, uncomfortable foot and lower body conditions can keep you from being as active as you want to be. Learn more about some common causes and solutions for foot and lower body issues. Finding more comfort and ease may be just what you need to get moving.

善待你的脚. 他们支持你,让你不断前进和进步, 是否在职, for fun or when you’re rocking your favorite activity or sport. Most Americans will log about 75,000 miles on their feet by age 50. And about half of us experience pain or other foot problems at least some of the time.


  • 水泡
  • 老茧
  • 真菌感染(脚癣)
  • 拇囊炎 
  • 鸡眼
  • 足跟疼痛
  • 足底筋膜炎 
  • 伤病
  • 肿胀 

我们的脚应该得到一点关爱! 从基础开始:

  • 了解你的脚. Check them daily, after you’ve been active or when you get home from work or school. Look for 水泡, cuts, sores, 肿胀 and areas that are red, warm, tender or rough. 也检查一下你的脚趾之间.
  • 保持清洁. Wash your feet with soap and water every day and dry them well. You can use powder or 鸡眼tarch between your toes if needed. 将乳液涂抹在干燥或粗糙的地方,比如脚后跟. 用新绷带保护水泡和伤口. Trim toenails weekly – straight across and not too short. Gently remove 老茧 and 鸡眼 with a pumice stone or foot file. Wear clean socks, especially when you exercise or if you already have a foot problem.  
  • 处理任何问题. 及早发现问题,防止问题恶化. 忽视足部问题不会让它消失. If it doesn’t start to clear up after a few days, see a health care professional. Some conditions and injuries can be serious and should be diagnosed and treated by a health professional.


When you have discomfort or pain in your feet or lower body, you won’t be motivated to get off the couch and get active. 幸运的是, there are many ways to up your comfort and prevent some common sources of pain when exercising.

  • 表明立场. Alternate periods of sitting, standing and moving throughout the day. If you’re on your feet a lot, put them up when you sit down to take a break. 如果你久坐不动,可以试试站立式办公桌 步行休息. Experts suggest standing or walking for at least two hours per eight-hour workday, 或者说每小时15分钟.
  • 保持健康的体重. Being overweight can put extra stress on your joints, including your feet and knees.
  • 我们中间没有真菌. Wear flip flops or water shoes in public showers, locker rooms, restrooms, pools and other wet areas.
  • 交叉培训. 改变你的活动,避免重复的影响. 散步、骑自行车、游泳、跑步、跳舞或滑冰. With so many fun ways to move your body, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one.
  • 前后对比. Warm up before working out, and cool down and stretch afterward. Make sure your routine includes stretching and strengthening exercises for feet, 脚踝, 小腿和膝盖.
  • 此处插入. Try orthotics or shoe inserts for additional support, pain relief and comfort. They can help with some common issues like foot discomfort, 腰痛, 足底筋膜炎和膝关节疼痛. Over-the-counter shoe inserts can include arch supports, 鞋垫, 鞋跟衬垫或杯垫和缓冲垫.


The right shoes can make being active a breeze, while the wrong shoes can wreak havoc on your feet. Here are some of the key considerations when buying shoes:

  • 获得舒适的. As much as possible, wear supportive, comfortable shoes that fit well. 把高跟鞋留到特殊场合吧!
  • 得到具体的. If you participate in a certain sport or activity at least twice a week, get shoes designed for that activity and terrain or surface.
  • 装好后. Have both feet measured each time you buy shoes, and size to the larger foot, if you have one. Shop at the end of the day, when your foot tends to be the biggest. Try on shoes with your usual socks and 鞋垫 or orthotics. Don’t buy shoes that feel too tight, thinking they’ll stretch.


Nobody likes to talk about it, but let’s face it, foot odor happens. When your feet sweat, the moisture creates an environment for bacteria to grow. To help keep feet fresh so you can move with more confidence:

  • 选择不闷的鞋子. Shoes and 鞋垫 that are well-ventilated and cooling will allow your feet the breathing room they need to stay fresh and clean. Avoid synthetic materials, which often don’t air out well. 
  • 智能袜子选择. Wear clean, acrylic-blend athletic socks that wick moisture away from feet. Natural fibers can absorb and trap sweat, so they may not be the best choice for your workout.
  • 让你的鞋子透透气. 不要每天都穿同一双鞋, and don’t leave them stuffed in a workout bag or buried under sweaty clothes. 让它们在每次佩戴之间彻底变干.

Healthy feet are happy feet, and they’ll keep you moving toward your activity goals!