Why Is Walking the Most Popular Form of Exercise?


When it comes to simple ways to be healthy, walking is all the rage. Follow these tips to get started 和 learn more about fitness walking. 

You can get active in lots of ways, but walking is one of the easiest! For most people, it’s safe, easy to stick with 和 low- or no-cost. It doesn’t require any special skills or equipment. For such a simple activity, it has so many benefits.  

Research has shown that walking at a brisk pace at least 150 minutes a week can help you: 

  • Think better, feel better 和 sleep better. 
  • Reduce your risk of serious diseases like heart disease, 中风, diabetes 和 several types of cancer. 
  • Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar 和 blood cholesterol 水平.
  • Increase your energy 和 stamina.
  • Improve your mental 和 emotional well-being 和 reduce your risk of depression.
  • Improve memory 和 reduce your risk of dementia.
  • Boost bone strength 和 reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
  • Prevent weight gain.

If 150 minutes sounds like a lot, remember that even short activity sessions can be added up over the week to reach this goal. And it’s easy to fit in a few minutes of walking several times a day. This could be 10 minutes of brisk walking after breakfast, lunch 和 dinner. 

Walking versus running

Did you know more Americans walk for fitness than run? Maybe you’re not that into running. Or maybe you’ve had an injury 和 can’t run anymore. Then walk — every step counts. Walking briskly can help your health as much as running.

How to walk for fitness

  • Gear up. All you need to get started are comfortable clothes 和 supportive shoes. Keep your cool by layering clothing, because exercise raises your body’s temperature. Shoes designed for walking or running are best, but not required. Just make sure you have a little wiggle room (about half an inch) between your longest toe 和 the end of the shoe. Avoid cotton socks because they retain moisture 和 can lead to blisters. (Who knew?!) 

  • Easy does it. If you’re out of shape, begin with short distances. Start with a stroll that feels comfortable (perhaps 10–15 minutes), 和 gradually increase your time or distance. If it’s easier on your body 和 your schedule, stick with a couple of 10- to 20-minute walks a day instead of one long walk.

  • Focus on form. Keep your head lifted (no texting!), abs engaged 和 shoulders relaxed. Swing your arms naturally. Avoid carrying heavy items or h和 weights because they can put extra stress on your elbows 和 shoulders – try a backpack instead. Stick to a comfortable, natural stride. 

  • Breathe. If you can’t talk or catch your breath while walking, slow down. At first, forget about speed. Just get out there 和 walk! 

  • Pick up the pace. To warm up, walk at an easy pace for the first several minutes. Then gradually increase your speed.

  • Add variety 和 challenge. Try brisk intervals. For example, walk one block fast, two blocks slow 和 repeat several times. Over time you’ll be able to add more fast intervals with shorter recovery periods. Walking hills or stairs is a great way to increase muscle strength 和 burn more calories. 

  • Stretch. The end of your walk is a great time to stretch as your body is warmed up. Stretch your hamstrings, calves, chest, shoulders 和 back. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. 

  • Track your progress. Fit walking into your schedule whenever you can. That may mean several short walks a day. When you can fit it in, longer walks will help you improve your stamina. Just remember your overall goal is at least 150 minutes each week.

Stay safe while walking

  • Be alert. Listening to music while you walk can help keep you energized. And making phone calls is a good way to multitask. But if you use headphones, keep the volume low 和 watch out for traffic that you may not hear. Don’t text or stare at your device while walking; keep your eyes on the road. 

  • St和 out. Wear light colors or reflective clothing 和 carry a flashlight or glow stick (it adds to the fun!) if you walk when visibility is low. 

  • Be street smart. Walking on sidewalks is best, but if you have to walk on the street, stick to streets with lower speed limits, 和 make sure drivers can see you.

  • Know the neighborhood. Note which businesses are open when you’ll be walking 和 the location of emergency telephones. Walk on well-traveled streets rather than taking shortcuts through alleys or parking lots.

  • Listen to your body. If you have foot, 膝盖, hip or back pain when walking, stop 和 check with your health care team to find out the cause. You may need different shoes or another form of activity like cycling or water exercise. But don’t give up! Find the activity that’s right for you. 

Just walk

Maybe you haven’t been active for a while. No problem! Just get started. It’s not all or nothing; it’s step by step. Even if you’re already active, here are some easy ways you can add more steps to your day: 

  • Grab the leash, 和 take the dog out for a walk. 
  • Forget about rock star parking. Park a bit farther from the entrance to your workplace, 学校, grocery store, restaurants 和 other places you visit.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even if just for one or two floors.
  • Catch up with a friend by walking around the block while you chat on the phone.

Walk to save lives

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