Pride With Heart

在六月,我们为同志月(Pride Month)提升LGBTQ+社群. For over 50 years, 他们游行是为了纪念他们在医疗保健方面的斗争和反对歧视, employment, and housing across the country and around the globe.


LGBTQ+个体还发现,由于年龄的多样性,他们受到了严重的影响, race, gender identity, ethnicity, location, and socio-economic level.


性少数群体报告了临床医生的某种形式的歧视. That number goes up to 70% when gender is an issue.

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LGBTQ+ adults smoke at a rate 2.5 times higher than heterosexual adults.

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LGBTQ+ adults smokes regularly

Survivor Story: Lindsey Huie

林赛·休伊是大学和职业足球明星. 她是女子国家队的前成员,目前是L.A. Galaxy. She’s also a heart survivor.

Here is her story

AHA Pride男女皆可球衣灰色t恤,带有LGBTQ+心形图案

Shop With Heart

当涉及到心灵问题时,通过AHA Pride tee提高对LGBTQ多样性和包容性的认识. Available in adult sizes XS through 4XL.


Pride Month Ambassadors
